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Kostiantyn Bankovskyi
March 27, 2021

Real-Time List of Vessel Detours From Suez Canal Blockage

Carriers have actively started re-routing vessels around South Africa, find out which vessels have taken a detour in real-time from our list.
Suez canal blockage

Given the continued Suez Canal blockage, carriers have actively started re-routing vessels around South Africa; especially those that have now started voyages from West to East. This adds about 7-10 days in the journey to the next port intended after Suez Canal; and also implies certain skipped ports in the voyage. We have a dynamic list we're updating on such vessels here.

Find out which vessels have taken a detour in real-time from our list.

Start enquiring on how predictive visibility helps you mitigate this disruption

Reach out to us if you have any questions regarding this list or would like to find out more on how our solution provides better predictive visibility.


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